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Building Connections: A Book Collection Curated by Free Spirit Publishing: 3rd Grade 133409
Summer Scholars: Language Arts: Rising 7th Grade 145338
Summer Scholars: Language Arts: Rising 8th Grade 145339
Summer Scholars: Mathematics: Rising 7th Grade 145340
Summer Scholars: Mathematics: Rising 8th Grade 145341
180 Days ™: Geography for First Grade 28622
180 Days ™: Geography for Second Grade 28623
180 Days™: Phonics for First Grade 130213
180 Days™: Phonics for Kindergarten 130212
180 Days™: Phonics for Prekindergarten 130211
180 Days™: Phonics for Second Grade 130214
180 Days™: Geography for Kindergarten 28621
180 Days™: Cursive Advanced 130196
180 Days™: Cursive Beginning 130195
180 Days™: Geography for Fifth Grade 28626
180 Days™: Geography for Fourth Grade 28625
180 Days™: Geography for Sixth Grade 28627
180 Days™: Geography for Third Grade 28624
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade 1 29644
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade 2 29645
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade 3 29646
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade 4 29647
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade 5 29648
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade 6 130139
180 Days™: Hands-on Steam: Grade K 29643
180 Days™: High-Frequency Words for First Grade 51634
180 Days™: High-Frequency Words for Kindergarten 51633
180 Days™: High-Frequency Words for Prekindergarten 130219
180 Days™: High-Frequency Words for Second Grade 51635
180 Days™: Language for Fifth Grade 51170
180 Days™: Language for First Grade 51166
180 Days™: Language for Fourth Grade 51169
180 Days™: Language for Kindergarten 51172
180 Days™: Language for Second Grade 51167
180 Days™: Language for Sixth Grade 51171
180 Days™: Language for Third Grade 51168
180 Days™: Math for Eighth Grade 142250
180 Days™: Math for Fifth Grade 50808
180 Days™: Math for First Grade 50804
180 Days™: Math for Fourth Grade 50807
180 Days™: Math for Kindergarten 50803
180 Days™: Math for Prekindergarten 127443
180 Days™: Math for Second Grade 50805
180 Days™: Math for Seventh Grade 142249
180 Days™: Math for Sixth Grade 50802
180 Days™: Math for Third Grade 50806
180 Days™: Printing Advanced 130194
180 Days™: Printing Beginning 130193
180 Days™: Problem Solving for Fifth Grade 51617
180 Days™: Problem Solving for First Grade 51613
180 Days™: Problem Solving for Fourth Grade 51616
180 Days™: Problem Solving for Kindergarten 51612
180 Days™: Problem Solving for Second Grade 51614
180 Days™: Problem Solving for Sixth Grade 51618
180 Days™: Problem Solving for Third Grade 51615
180 Days™: Reading for Eighth Grade 135159
180 Days™: Reading for Fifth Grade 50926
180 Days™: Reading for Fifth Grade, 2nd Edition 135047
180 Days™: Reading for First Grade 50922
180 Days™: Reading for First Grade, 2nd Edition 135043
180 Days™: Reading for Fourth Grade 50925
180 Days™: Reading for Fourth Grade, 2nd Edition 135046
180 Days™: Reading for Kindergarten 50921
180 Days™: Reading for Kindergarten, 2nd Edition 135042
180 Days™: Reading for Prekindergarten 127442
180 Days™: Reading for Second Grade 50923
180 Days™: Reading for Second Grade, 2nd Edition 135044
180 Days™: Reading for Seventh Grade 135158
180 Days™: Reading for Sixth Grade 50927
180 Days™: Reading for Sixth Grade, 2nd Edition 135048
180 Days™: Reading for Third Grade 50924
180 Days™: Reading for Third Grade, 2nd Edition 135045
180 Days™: Science for Fifth Grade 51411
180 Days™: Science for First Grade 51407
180 Days™: Science for Fourth Grade 51410
180 Days™: Science for Kindergarten 51406
180 Days™: Science for Prekindergarten 130221
180 Days™: Science for Second Grade 51408
180 Days™: Science for Sixth Grade 51412
180 Days™: Science for Third Grade 51409
180 Days™: Social Studies for Fifth Grade 51397
180 Days™: Social Studies for First Grade 51393
180 Days™: Social Studies for Fourth Grade 51396
180 Days™: Social Studies for Kindergarten 51392
180 Days™: Social Studies for Prekindergarten 130220
180 Days™: Social Studies for Second Grade 51394
180 Days™: Social Studies for Sixth Grade 51398
180 Days™: Social Studies for Third Grade 51395
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28628
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28629
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28630
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28631
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28632
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28633
180 Days™: Spelling and Word Study 28634
180 Days™: Writing for Fifth Grade 51528
180 Days™: Writing for First Grade 51524
180 Days™: Writing for Fourth Grade 51527
180 Days™: Writing for Kindergarten 51523
180 Days™: Writing for Second Grade 51525
180 Days™: Writing for Sixth Grade 51529
180 Days™: Writing for Third Grade 51526
50 Leveled Math Problems, Level 1 50773
50 Leveled Math Problems, Level 2 50774
50 Leveled Math Problems, Level 3 50775
50 Leveled Math Problems, Level 4 50776
50 Leveled Math Problems, Level 5 50777
50 Leveled Math Problems, Level 6 50778
Active History: American Revolution 51075
Active History: Ancient Egypt 51173
Active History: Civil War 51174
Activities for English Language Learners Across the Curriculum 50203
Alexander y el día terrible, horrible, espantoso, horroroso: An Instructional Guide 134569
Analyzing and Writing with Primary Sources 51478
Applying Differentiation Strategies: 2nd Edition Teachers Handbook for Grades 3-5 50639
Applying Differentiation Strategies: 2nd Edition Teachers Handbook for Grades K-2 50638
Applying Differentiation Strategies: 2nd Edition Teachers Handbook for Grades Secondary 50640
BigBooks: Baa, Baa, Black Sheep 100418
BigBooks: Down by the Bay 100410
BigBooks: Head and Shoulders 100419
BigBooks: Hickory Dickory Dock 100416
BigBooks: Hush Little Baby 100412
BigBooks: If You're Happy and You Know It 100425
BigBooks: Little Boy Blue 100409
BigBooks: London Bridge 100421
BigBooks: Mary Had a Little Lamb 100426
BigBooks: Miss Molly's Dolly 100408
BigBooks: Oats, Peas, Beans, and Barley Grow 100407
BigBooks: Oh, Mr. Sun 100414
BigBooks: Old Mother Hubbard 100423
BigBooks: One, Two, Buckle My Shoe 100417
BigBooks: Sing a Song of Sixpence 100411
BigBooks: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Say Good Night 100424
BigBooks: The Itsy Bitsy Spider 100415
BigBooks: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star 100413
BigBooks: Wheels on the Bus 100420
BigBooks: Yankee Doodle 100422
Bookroom Grade 1 29881
Bookroom Grade 2 29882
Bookroom Grade 3 29883
Bookroom Grade 4 29884
Bookroom Grade 5 29885
Bookroom Grade K 29880
Bookroom Grades 3-5 25984
Bookroom Grades K-2 25983
Bookroom Grades K-5 25985
Brain-Powered Strategies to Engage All Learners 50772
Bright and Brainy Level 1 50884
Bright and Brainy Level 2 50885
Bright and Brainy Level 3 50886
Bright and Brainy Level 4 50908
Bright and Brainy Level 5 50909
Bright and Brainy Level 6 50910
Bright and Brainy Level K 50883
Building Academic Language through Content-Area Text 50631
Building Connections: A Book Collection Curated by Free Spirit Publishing Grade 2 133408
Building Connections: A Book Collection Curated by Free Spirit Publishing: 1st Grade 133407
Building Connections: A Book Collection Curated by Free Spirit Publishing: Kindergarten 133406
Building Connections: A Book Collection Curated by Free Spirit Publishing: Prekindergarten 133405
Building Fluency Through Reader's Theater Expanding and Preserving the Union 11533
Building Fluency Through Readers Theater: Nursery Rhymes: 12577
Building Fluency Through Readers Theater: My Country 10534
Building Fluency Through Readers Theater: The 20th Century 11534
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: American Tall Tales and Legends 11989
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: Early America 10533
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: Fables 11289
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: Folk and Fairy Tales 11162
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: Grades 1-2 10020
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: Grades 3-4 10021
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: Grades 5-6 10022
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: William Shakespeare 11347
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: World Myths 12146
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 1 27592
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 2 27593
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 3 27594
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 4 27595
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 5 27596
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 6 100875
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 7 100876
Building Vocabulary 2nd Edition: Level 8 100877
Building Vocabulary Foundations: Level K 27591
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Level 3 12733
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Level 4 12733
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Level 5 12735
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Level 6 12736
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Level 7 12737
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots Level 8 12738
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots: Level 10 12740
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots: Level 11 12741
Building Vocabulary from Word Roots: Level 9 12739
Catch-Up Math: 1st Grade 146443
Catch-Up Math: 2nd Grade 146444
Catch-Up Math: 3rd Grade 146434
Catch-Up Math: 4th Grade 146435
Catch-Up Math: 5th Grade 146436
Catch-Up Math: 6th Grade 146437
Catch-Up Math: Kindergarten 146442
Close Reading With Paired Texts Level 1 51357
Close Reading With Paired Texts Level 2 51358
Close Reading With Paired Texts Level 3 51359
Close Reading With Paired Texts Level 4 51360
Close Reading With Paired Texts Level 5 51361
Close Reading With Paired Texts Level K 51356
Close Reading with Paired Texts 51735
Comprehension and Critical Thinking 50241
Comprehension and Critical Thinking 50242
Comprehension and Critical Thinking 50243
Comprehension and Critical Thinking 50244
Comprehension and Critical Thinking 50245
Comprehension and Critical Thinking 50246
Connect to Text: Strategies for Close Reading and Writing 51505
Conquering Fifth Grade 51624
Conquering First Grade 51620
Conquering Fourth Grade 51623
Conquering Kindergarten 51619
Conquering Pre-Kindergarten 51714
Conquering Second Grade 51621
Conquering Third Grade 51622
Creating Strategic Readers: Techniques for Supporting Rigorous Literacy Instruction 51185
Creating a Google Apps Classroom 51312
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts Grade 1 100745
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts Grade 2 100746
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts Grade 3 100747
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts Grade 4 100748
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts Grade 5 100749
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts Kindergarten 100744
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts: Grade 6 132405
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts: Grade 7 132406
Culturally Authentic and Responsive Texts: Grade 8 132407
Daily Math Stretches: Building Conceptual Understanding Grades 3,4,5 50786
Daily Math Stretches: Building Conceptual Understanding Grades 6,7,8 50787 Grades 6,7,8
Daily Math Stretches: Building Conceptual Understanding Grades K,1,2 50636
Differentiation Strategies for Language Arts 50012
Differentiation Strategies for Mathematics 50013
Differentiation Strategies for Science 50014
Differentiation Strategies for Social Studies 50015
Early Childhood Themes: All About Me 12460
Early Childhood Themes: Animals 12462
Early Childhood Themes: Building Things 13345
Early Childhood Themes: Colors 13331
Early Childhood Themes: El tiempo (Weather) 12495
Early Childhood Themes: Families 12465
Early Childhood Themes: Feelings 14477
Early Childhood Themes: Five Senses 14521
Early Childhood Themes: Health and Safety 12464
Early Childhood Themes: Mi comunidad (My Community) 12494
Early Childhood Themes: My Body 13366
Early Childhood Themes: My Community 12461
Early Childhood Themes: My Country 13359
Early Childhood Themes: Numbers 13338
Early Childhood Themes: Oceans 14510
Early Childhood Themes: Plants 12463
Early Childhood Themes: School 13352
Early Childhood Themes: Shapes 13324
Early Childhood Themes: Space 14474
Early Childhood Themes: Time 14488
Early Childhood Themes: Transportation 12466
Early Childhood Themes: Weather 11986
Engage Newcomers! Fifth Grade 156616
Engage Newcomers! First Grade 156612
Engage Newcomers! Fourth Grade 156615
Engage Newcomers! Grades 6–8 156617
Engage Newcomers! Grades 9–12 156618
Engage Newcomers! Kindergarten 156611
Engage Newcomers! Prekindergarten 156610
Engage Newcomers! Second Grade 156613
Engage Newcomers! Third Grade 156614
Essential Math Skills 51211
Explore & Learn: Complete Curriculum 146634
Exploring Primary Sources: Africa 11136
Exploring Primary Sources: African Americans 11138
Exploring Primary Sources: African Americans 11138
Exploring Primary Sources: American Presidents 9189
Exploring Primary Sources: American Revolution 111286
Exploring Primary Sources: Ancient Civilizations 11137
Exploring Primary Sources: Ancient Egypt 123552
Exploring Primary Sources: Ancient Greece 3927
Exploring Primary Sources: Ancient Mesopotamia 123553
Exploring Primary Sources: Ancient Rome 3924
Exploring Primary Sources: Canada 10374
Exploring Primary Sources: China 8236
Exploring Primary Sources: Citizenship and Government 111287
Exploring Primary Sources: Civil Rights Movement 8128
Exploring Primary Sources: Civil War 111292
Exploring Primary Sources: Cold War 8137
Exploring Primary Sources: Colonial America 111284
Exploring Primary Sources: Colorado 131557
Exploring Primary Sources: Constitution and New Government 111285
Exploring Primary Sources: Continents-Africa and Asia 28649
Exploring Primary Sources: Continents-The Americas, Europe, and Australia 28654
Exploring Primary Sources: Discovering Geography 12396
Exploring Primary Sources: Early American Indians 10375
Exploring Primary Sources: Elections 11001
Exploring Primary Sources: Examining Geography 12397
Exploring Primary Sources: Exploration, 2nd Edition 111288
Exploring Primary Sources: First Grade 29639
Exploring Primary Sources: Florida 23641
Exploring Primary Sources: Georgia 18280
Exploring Primary Sources: Great Depression 3935
Exploring Primary Sources: Immigration 111294
Exploring Primary Sources: Industrial Revolution 3932
Exploring Primary Sources: Investigating Geography 12398
Exploring Primary Sources: Jamestown 10797
Exploring Primary Sources: Kindergarten 29638
Exploring Primary Sources: Latin America 122475
Exploring Primary Sources: Maya, Inca, and Aztec Civilizations 111304
Exploring Primary Sources: Medieval Times 122362
Exploring Primary Sources: Michigan 123526
Exploring Primary Sources: My Community Then and Now 111306
Exploring Primary Sources: My Country Then and Now 8188
Exploring Primary Sources: My Family Then and Now 11122
Exploring Primary Sources: New Mexico 103743
Exploring Primary Sources: New York 8124
Exploring Primary Sources: New York City Then and Now 11121
Exploring Primary Sources: People Who Shaped America 29642
Exploring Primary Sources: Pilgrims 3940
Exploring Primary Sources: Pioneers 3942
Exploring Primary Sources: Reconstruction 111293
Exploring Primary Sources: Renaissance 3933
Exploring Primary Sources: Second Grade 29640
Exploring Primary Sources: Slavery in America, 2nd Edition 111291
Exploring Primary Sources: Texas 8123
Exploring Primary Sources: The Peopling of America 15977
Exploring Primary Sources: Third Grade 29641
Exploring Primary Sources: U.S. Foreign Policy 10827
Exploring Primary Sources: U.S. Imperialism 12255
Exploring Primary Sources: United States Government and Civics 10376
Exploring Primary Sources: United States Womens Suffrage 10826
Exploring Primary Sources: Vietnam Conflict 8125
Exploring Primary Sources: Virginia 15973
Exploring Primary Sources: War of 1812 16284
Exploring Primary Sources: Westward Expansion 111290
Exploring Primary Sources: World Religions 12791
Exploring Primary Sources: World War I Era 3936
Exploring Primary Sources: World War II Era 3921
Exploring Reading: Level 1 27078
Exploring Reading: Level 2 27079
Exploring Reading: Level 3 27080
Exploring Reading: Level 4 27081
Exploring Reading: Level 5 27082
Exploring Reading: Level 6 27083
Exploring Reading: Level K 27077
Exploring Social Studies: Texas Edition Grade 4 23453
Exploring Social Studies: Texas Edition: Grade 1 23450
Exploring Social Studies: Texas Edition: Grade 2 23451
Exploring Social Studies: Texas Edition: Grade 3 23452
Exploring Social Studies: Texas Edition: Grade 5 23454
Exploring Social Studies: Texas Edition: Grade K 28111
Fiction Readers: Advanced 107040
Fiction Readers: Advanced Plus 107041
Fiction Readers: Challenging 107042
Fiction Readers: Challenging Plus 107043
Fiction Readers: Early Fluent 120775
Fiction Readers: Early Fluent 15797
Fiction Readers: Early Fluent Plus 120792
Fiction Readers: Early Fluent Plus 15798
Fiction Readers: Emergent 15795
Fiction Readers: Emergent Grade 1 120570
Fiction Readers: Fluent 121439
Fiction Readers: Fluent 15799
Fiction Readers: Fluent Plus 121589
Fiction Readers: Fluent Plus 15800
Fiction Readers: Foundations 107038
Fiction Readers: Foundations Plus 107039
Fiction Readers: Upper Emergent 15796
Fiction Readers: Upper Emergent Grade 1 120487
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 1 29984
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 2 29985
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 3 29986
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 4 29987
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 5 29988
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 6 29989
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 7 29990
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level 8 29991
Focused Mathematics Booster Pack Level K 29983
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 1 21147
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 2 21148
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 3 21149
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 4 21150
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 5 21151
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 6 21152
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 7 21153
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level 8 21154
Focused Mathematics Intervention Level K 21146
Focused Phonics: Kindergarten 135062
Focused Phonics: Level 1 135063
Focused Phonics: Level 2 135064
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 1 29912
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 2 29913
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 3 29914
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 4 29915
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 5 29916
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 6 29917
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 7 29918
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade 8 29919
Focused Reading Booster Packs Grade K 29911
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 1 21138
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 2 21139
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 3 21140
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 4 21141
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 5 21142
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 6 21143
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 7 21144
Focused Reading Intervention: Level 8 21145
Focused Reading Intervention: Level K 21137
Foundational Skills: Phonics for First Grade 51098
Foundational Skills: Phonics for Kindergarten 51096
Foundational Skills: Phonics for Pre-Kindergarten 51094
Foundational Skills: Phonics for Second Grade 51100
Getting to the Core of Writing Level 1 50915
Getting to the Core of Writing Level 2 50916
Getting to the Core of Writing Level 3 50917
Getting to the Core of Writing Level 4 50918
Getting to the Core of Writing Level 5 50919
Getting to the Core of Writing Level 6 50920
Getting to the Core of Writing Level K 50914
Getting to the Roots of Content-Area Vocabulary Grade 3 50863
Getting to the Roots of Content-Area Vocabulary Grade 4 50864
Getting to the Roots of Content-Area Vocabulary Grade 5 50865
Getting to the Roots of Mathematics Vocabulary Grades 6-8 50866
Getting to the Roots of Science Vocabulary Grades 6-8 50867
Getting to the Roots of Social Studies Vocabulary Grades 6-8 50868
Go Figure! Exploring Figurative Language, Levels 2-4 51625
Go Figure! Exploring Figurative Language, Levels 5-8 51626
Great Works: A Wrinkle in Time 40217
Great Works: Alexander and the Terrible. Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 40108
Great Works: Are You My Mother? 40000
Great Works: Because of Winn-Dixie 40218
Great Works: Bound 51769
Great Works: Bridge to Terabithia 40201
Great Works: Bud, Not Buddy 40202
Great Works: Charlotte's Web 40219
Great Works: Dragonwings 40204
Great Works: Esperanza Rising 40224
Great Works: Esperanza renace: An Instructional Guide for Literature 100980
Great Works: Fahrenheit 451 40301
Great Works: Freckle Juice 40110
Great Works: Frog and Toad Together 40001
Great Works: Green Eggs and Ham 40002
Great Works: Hamilton: An American Musical 51695
Great Works: Hatchet 40206
Great Works: Henry and Mudge: The First Book 40106
Great Works: Hi! Fly Guy 40010
Great Works: Hola, Hombre Mosca: An Instructional Guide for Literature 134571
Great Works: Holes 40207
Great Works: How to Eat Fried Worms 40104
Great Works: If You Give a . . . Series Guide 40012
Great Works: In the Year of the Boar and Jackie Robinson 51719
Great Works: Island of the Blue Dolphins 40208
Great Works: La isla de los delfines azules: An Instructional Guide for Literature 100981
Great Works: Last Stop on Market Street 51647
Great Works: Little Bear 40003
Great Works: Lord of the Flies 40305
Great Works: M.C. Higgins, the Great 40209
Great Works: Magic Tree House Series 40112
Great Works: Maniac Magee 40210
Great Works: My Brother Sam Is Dead 40211
Great Works: My Father's Dragon 40100
Great Works: Number the Stars 40212
Great Works: Of Mice and Men 40300
Great Works: Out of My Mind 40223
Great Works: Owl at Home 40009
Great Works: Poppleton in Winter 40006
Great Works: Put Me in the Zoo 40007
Great Works: Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry 40214
Great Works: Sarah, Plain and Tall 40102
Great Works: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 40200
Great Works: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas 40222
Great Works: The Cat in the Hat 40011
Great Works: The Crossover 51648
Great Works: The Dark Is Rising 40203
Great Works: The Day the Crayons Quit 40015
Great Works: The Fire Cat 40109
Great Works: The Giver 40205
Great Works: The Great Gatsby 40302
Great Works: The Great Kapok Tree 40105
Great Works: The Hundred Dresses 51721
Great Works: The Hunger Games 40225
Great Works: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 40121
Great Works: The Mitten 40004
Great Works: The Odyssey 40303
Great Works: The One and Only Ivan 40101
Great Works: The Outsiders 40304
Great Works: The Pigeon Books 40013
Great Works: The Stories Julian Tells 40103
Great Works: The Very Hungry Caterpillar 40008
Great Works: The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 40216
Great Works: The Westing Game 40221
Great Works: Their Eyes Were Watching God: Instructional Guides for Literature 40306
Great Works: Thunder Boy Jr. 51720
Great Works: To Kill a Mockingbird 40308
Great Works: Tuck Everlasting 40215
Guided Math Workshop 51654
Guided Math Workstations 3-5 51729
Guided Math Workstations 6-8 51730
Guided Math Workstations K-2 51728
Hands-On History: American History Activities 9049
Hands-On History: Ancient Civilizations Activities 9048
Hands-On History: Geography Activities 9358
Hands-On History: World History Activities 9357
Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases 50277
Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases 50278
Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases 50279
Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases 50288
Increasing Fluency with High Frequency Word Phrases 50289
Information Literacy: Separating Fact from Fiction 51756
Integrating the Arts in Language Arts: 30 Strategies to Create Dynamic Lessons, 2nd Edition 117848
Integrating the Arts in Mathematics: 30 Strategies to Create Dynamic Lessons, 2nd Edition 117847
Integrating the Arts in Science: 30 Strategies to Create Dynamic Lessons, 2nd Edition 117846
Integrating the Arts in Social Studies: 30 Strategies to Create Dynamic Lessons, 2nd Edition 117849
Interactive Notetaking for Content-Area Literacy 51732
Interactive Notetaking for Content-Area Literacy 51733
Interactive Notetaking for Content-Area Literacy 51734
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 10th Grade 152518
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 11th Grade 152519
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 12th Grade 152520
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 1st Grade 17788
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 2nd Grade 17789
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 3rd Grade 17790
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 5th Grade 17792
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 6th Grade 130260
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 6th Grade 17793
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 7th Grade 130261
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 8th Grade 130262
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 8th Grade 17795
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Fifth Grade 130259
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for First Grade 130255
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Fourth Grade 130258
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for High School 130263
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Kindergarten (Second Language Support) 13532
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Kindergarten 130254
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Kindergarten 17787
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Prekindergarten 130253
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Second Grade 130256
Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Third Grade 130257
Language Power 2nd Edition: Grades 3-5 Level C 128240
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades K-2 Level A 128235
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades K-2 Level B 128236
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades 3-5 Level A 128238
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades 3-5 Level B 128239
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades 6-8 Level A 131450
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades 6-8 Level B 131451
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades 6-8 Level C 131452
Language Power: 2nd Edition: Grades K-2 Level C 128237
Language Power: Grades 3-5 Level A 16388
Language Power: Grades 3-5 Level B 16394
Language Power: Grades 3-5 Level C 16400
Language Power: Grades 6-8 Level A 16406
Language Power: Grades 6-8 Level B 16412
Language Power: Grades 6-8 Level C 16418
Language Power: Grades K-2 Level C 16382
Learn and Create: Grade 1 154093
Learn and Create: Grade 2 154094
Learn and Create: Grade 3 154095
Learn and Create: Grade 4 154096
Learn and Create: Grade 5 154097
Learn and Create: Grade 6 154098
Learn and Create: Grade 7 154099
Learn and Create: Grade 8 154100
Learn and Create: Grade K 154092
Let's Learn More!: Grade 1 126242
Let's Learn More!: Grade 2 126243
Let's Learn More!: Grade 3 126244
Let's Learn More!: Grade 4 126245
Let's Learn More!: Grade 5 126246
Let's Learn More!: Kindergarten 126241
Let's Learn More!: Prekindergarten 126240
Let's Learn! Activities for Grade 1 125544
Let's Learn! Activities for Grade 2 125545
Let's Learn! Activities for Grade 3 125546
Let's Learn! Activities for Grade 4 125547
Let's Learn! Activities for Grade 5 125548
Let's Learn! Activities for Kindergarten 125543
Let's Learn! Activities for Prekindergarten 125542
Let's Talk Math: Level 1 116871
Let's Talk Math: Level 2 116872
Let's Talk Math: Level 3 116873
Let's Talk Math: Level 4 116874
Let's Talk Math: Level 5 116875
Let's Talk Math: Level K 116870
Leveled Text for Mathematics: Fractions, Decimals, and Percents 50785
Leveled Text for Mathematics: Geometry 50717
Leveled Text for Mathematics: Measurement 50754
Leveled Text for Mathematics: Number and Operation 50715
Leveled Texts (Texas Edition), 3-5 101207
Leveled Texts (Texas Edition), 6-8 101209
Leveled Texts (Texas Edition), K-2 101206
Leveled Texts (Texas Edition), K-5 101208
Leveled Texts (Texas Edition), K-8 101982
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Adventure 50983
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Fantasy and Science Fiction 50984
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Historical Fiction 50986
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Humor 50988
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Mystery 50985
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Mythology 50987
Leveled Texts for Classic Fiction: Shakespeare 50982
Leveled Texts for Fifth Grade 51632
Leveled Texts for First Grade 51628
Leveled Texts for Fourth Grade 51631
Leveled Texts for Kindergarten 51627
Leveled Texts for Mathematics: Algebra and Algebraic Thinking 50716
Leveled Texts for Mathematics: Data Analysis and Probability 50755
Leveled Texts for Science: Earth and Space Science 50160
Leveled Texts for Science: Life Science 50161
Leveled Texts for Science: Physical Science 50162
Leveled Texts for Second Grade 51629
Leveled Texts for Social Studies: American Biographies 50894
Leveled Texts for Social Studies: Early America 50081
Leveled Texts for Social Studies: Symbols, Monuments, and Documents 50896
Leveled Texts for Social Studies: The 20th Century 50084
Leveled Texts for Social Studies: World Cultures Through Time 50083
Leveled Texts for Third Grade 51630
Leveled Texts, 3-5 101203
Leveled Texts, 6-8 101205
Leveled Texts, K-2 101202
Leveled Texts, K-5 101204
Leveled Texts, K-8 101981
Leveled Texts: Expanding and Preserving the Union 50082
Math Games: Getting to the Core of Conceptual Understanding 51013
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for Fifth Grade 51292
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for First Grade 51288
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for Fourth Grade 51291
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for Kindergarten 51287
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for Second Grade 51289
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for Sixth Grade 51293
Math Games: Skill-Based Practice for Third Grade 51290
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition Grade 1 27326
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition Grade 2 27391
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition Grade 3 Kit 27000
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition Grade 4 Kit 27196
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition: Grade 5 27477
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition: Grade 6 27526
Mathematics Readers 2nd Edition: Kindergarten 27261
My Words Grade 1 Kit 101647
My Words Grades Pre K-K Kit 101646
Practice with Prefixes 50882
Primary Source Readers: America in the 1800s Kit 25790
Primary Source Readers: America's Early Years 25068
Primary Source Readers: American Biographies 12586
Primary Source Readers: Around the United States Management Guide 129188
Primary Source Readers: Around the World 131732
Primary Source Readers: California 28550
Primary Source Readers: Content and Literacy in Social Studies Grade 1 17966
Primary Source Readers: Content and Literacy in Social Studies Grade 2 17988
Primary Source Readers: Content and Literacy in Social Studies Grade 3 18359
Primary Source Readers: Content and Literacy in Social Studies Kindergarten 18337
Primary Source Readers: Georgia 24547
Primary Source Readers: Juneteenth Celebration 131946
Primary Source Readers: Saving the World: The Chocolate Pilot 112007
Primary Source Readers: Texas History 16039
Primary Source Readers: The 20th Century 10659
Primary Source Readers: The 20th Century 28111
Primary Source Readers: World Cultures Through Time 10427
Primary Source Readers: World History 16000
Purposeful Play for Early Childhood Phonological Awareness 50665
Reading Strategies for Fiction 51005
Reading Strategies for Mathematics Second Edition 51151
Reading Strategies for Science Second Edition 51155
Reading Strategies for Social Studies Second Edition 51159
Rhymes for the Times: Literacy Strategies through Social Studies 51467
Rhythm & Rhyme Literacy Time Level 1 51337
Rhythm & Rhyme Literacy Time Level 2 51338
Rhythm & Rhyme Literacy Time Level 3 51339
Rhythm & Rhyme Literacy Time Level K 51336
Science Readers: A Closer Look: Basics of Matter 12413
Science Readers: A Closer Look: Be Healthy! Be Fit! 14184
Science Readers: A Closer Look: Biomes and Ecosystems 11302
Science Readers: A Closer Look: Forces and Motion 11300
Science Readers: A Closer Look: Forces in Nature 11301
Science Readers: A Closer Look: Neighbors in Space 12420
Science Readers: A Closer Look: The Human Body 12427
Science Readers: Content and Literacy in Science Grade 1 21558
Science Readers: Content and Literacy in Science Grade 2 21597
Science Readers: Content and Literacy in Science Grade 3 21636
Science Readers: Content and Literacy in Science Grade 4 21675
Science Readers: Content and Literacy in Science Grade 5 21714
Science Readers: Content and Literacy in Science Kindergarten 21519
Science Readers: Earth and Space Science 10530
Science Readers: Life Science 10531
Science Readers: Physical Science 10532
Science Readers: Texas Edition 27632
Science Readers: Texas Edition 27633
Science Readers: Texas Edition 27634
Science Readers: Texas Edition 27635
Science Readers: Texas Edition 27636
Science Readers: Texas Edition 27637
Smithsonian STEAM Readers Grade 1 28841
Smithsonian STEAM Readers Grade 2 28842
Smithsonian STEAM Readers Grade 3 28843
Smithsonian STEAM Readers Grade 4 28844
Smithsonian STEAM Readers Grade 5 28845
Smithsonian STEAM Readers Kindergarten 28840
Smithsonian STEAM Readers: Life Science 142260
Smithsonian STEAM Readers: Physical Science 142261
Standards-Based Investigations: Science Labs Grade 3-5 50164
Standards-Based Investigations: Science Labs Grades 6-8 50165
Standards-Based Investigations: Science Labs Grades K-2 50163
Starting with Prefixes and Suffixes 51103
Strategies for Balanced Literacy 51519
Strategies for Building Academic Vocabulary in Language Arts 50128
Strategies for Building Academic Vocabulary in Mathematics 50127
Strategies for Building Academic Vocabulary in Science 50129
Strategies for Building Academic Vocabulary in Social Studies 50130
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language: Language Arts 51202
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language: Mathematics 51203
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language: Science 51204
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language: Science 51204
Strategies for Connecting Content and Language: Social Studies 51205
Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills Grades 3-5 50820
Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills Grades 6-12 50821
Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills Grades K-2 50819
Strategies for Implementing Guided Math 50531
Strategies for Powerful Comprehension Instruction: 50632
Strategies for Teaching Mathematics 50249
Strategies for Teaching Science 6-12 50651
Strategies for Teaching Science K-5 50649
Strategies for Writing from Sources 51546
Strategies to Integrate the Arts in Language Arts 51090
Strategies to Integrate the Arts in Mathematics 51088
Successful Centers: Standards-Based Learning Centers that Work 51019
Summer Blast Getting Ready for Grade 1 86126
Summer Blast Getting Ready for Grade 2 86127
Summer Blast Getting Ready for Grade 3 86128
Summer Blast Getting Ready for Grade 4 86129
Summer Blast Getting Ready for Grade 5 86130
Summer Blast: Getting Ready for Fifth Grade 51555
Summer Blast: Getting Ready for First Grade 51551
Summer Blast: Getting Ready for Fourth Grade 51554
Summer Blast: Getting Ready for Kindergarten 51550
Summer Blast: Getting Ready for Second Grade 51552
Summer Blast: Getting Ready for Third Grade 51553
Summer Scholars: Rising 1st Grade: Language Arts 931910
Summer Scholars: Rising 1st Grade: Mathematics 931916
Summer Scholars: Rising 2nd Grade: Language Arts 931911
Summer Scholars: Rising 2nd Grade: Mathematics 931917
Summer Scholars: Rising 3rd Grade: Language Arts 931912
Summer Scholars: Rising 4th Grade: Language Arts 931913
Summer Scholars: Rising 4th Grade: Mathematics 931919
Summer Scholars: Rising 5th Grade: Language Arts 931914
Summer Scholars: Rising 5th Grade: Mathematics 931920
Summer Scholars: Rising 6th Grade: Language Arts 931915
Summer Scholars: Rising 6th Grade: Mathematics 931921
TIME Nonfiction Readers Grade 6 25588
TIME Nonfiction Readers Grade 7 Kit 25589
TIME Nonfiction Readers Grade 8 Kit 25590
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Advanced 15674
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Advanced Plus 15675
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Challenging 15676
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Challenging Plus 15950
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Early Fluent 14622
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Early Fluent Plus 14643
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Emergent 15276
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Fluent 15352
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Fluent Plus 15371
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Foundations 24051
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Foundations Plus 24483
TIME for Kids Nonfiction Readers: Upper Emergent 15295
TIME for Kids Readers 8129-8130
Targeted Phonics: Long Vowel Storybooks 15124
Targeted Phonics: More Consonants, Blends, and Digraphs 15656
Targeted Phonics: My First Consonant and Vowels 15631
Targeted Phonics: Short Vowel Rimes 15606
Targeted Phonics: Short Vowel Storybooks 15146
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 1st Grade 80018
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 2nd Grade 80019
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 3rd Grade 80020
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 4th Grade 80021
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 5th Grade 80022
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 6th Grade 80023
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 7th Grade 80024
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for 8th Grade 80025
Texas Kids Learn! Getting Ready for Kindergarten 80017
The Poet and the Professor: Poems for Building Reading Skills 50238
The Poet and the Professor: Poems for Building Reading Skills 50239
The Poet and the Professor: Poems for Building Reading Skills 50240
The Poet and the Professor: Poems for Building Reading Skills 50675
The Poet and the Professor: Poems for Building Reading Skills 50676
The Poet and the Professor: Poems for Building Reading Skills 50677
The Road to Independent Reading and Writing 124548
Understanding Elections What's Your Vote? 51352
Understanding Elections What's Your Vote? 51353
Untold Stories: Grade 1 126932
Untold Stories: Grade 2 126933
Untold Stories: Grade 3 126934
Untold Stories: Grade 4 126935
Untold Stories: Grade 5 126936
Untold Stories: Kindergarten 126931
Using Google Earth: Bring the World into Your Classroom (1-2) 50824
Using Google Earth: Bring the World into Your Classroom (3-5) 50825
Using Google Earth: Bring the World into Your Classroom (6-8) 50826
Vocabulary Ladders Understanding Word Nuances Level 2 51301
Vocabulary Ladders Understanding Word Nuances Level 3 51302
Vocabulary Ladders Understanding Word Nuances Level 4 51303
Vocabulary Ladders Understanding Word Nuances Level 5 51304
Vocabulary Ladders Understanding Word Nuances Level 6 51305
Weekly Word Roots: 52 Quick Activities for Building Vocabulary 126855
What the Science of Reading Says: Literacy Strategies for Early Childhood 131696
What the Science of Reading Says: Literacy Strategies for Grades 1-2 131697
What the Science of Reading Says: Literacy Strategies for Grades 3–5 131698
What the Science of Reading Says: Literacy Strategies for Secondary Grades 131699
Write TIME Level 7 18335
Write TIME Level 8 18336
Write TIME for Kids Level 1 18329
Write TIME for Kids Level 2 18330
Write TIME for Kids Level 3 18331
Write TIME for Kids Level 4 18332
Write TIME for Kids Level 5 18333
Write TIME for Kids Level 6 18334
Write TIME for Kids Level K 18328
Writing Strategies for Fiction 51006
Writing Strategies for Mathematics Second Edition 51153
Writing Strategies for Science Second Edition 51157
Writing Strategies for Social Studies Second Edition 51161
iCivics Readers: Grade 1 121634
iCivics Readers: Grade 2 121635
iCivics Readers: Grade 3 121636
iCivics Readers: Grade 4 121637
iCivics Readers: Grade 5 121638
iCivics Readers: Kindergarten 121632
Please select standards
Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards
Common Core State Standards
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Washington DC
West Virginia
DoDEA Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards (CCSSO)
International Baccalaureate Organization Standards (2009)
Texas Assessment Standards (STAAR) (2012)
Head Start Standards
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
TESOL ELP Standards
Alberta Standards
Atlantic Canada
British Columbia Curriculum
New Brunswick Curriculum
Newfoundland and Labrador Curriculum Guides
Nova Scotia Curriculum
Ontario Curriculum
Prince Edward Island Curriculum
Quebec Standards
Québec Standards (French)
Saskatchewan Standards
Puerto Rico Departamento De Educación Standards (Español)
Puerto Rico Department of Education (English)
WIDA Consortium (2020)
Common European Framework (2001)
New Jersey Social Studies 2020 Draft
American Samoa English Language Arts
Florida B.E.S.T. Access Points (old)
Puerto Rico - Content Standards and Grade Level Expectations - English (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estandares y Expectativas Integrados Programa de Educación Temprana 0-PK (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estándares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado - Programa de Ciencias (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estándares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado - Programa de Estudios Sociales (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estándares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado - Programa de Matemáticas (2022)
Please select a subject
Arts Education
Early Childhood Education
English Language Learners
Health and PE
Language Arts
Social Studies
Social and Emotional Learning
Technology Education
Please select a grade
Pre K
Ages 3-5
Choose a Standard
Please select standards
Common Core College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards
Common Core State Standards
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Washington DC
West Virginia
DoDEA Standards
English Language Proficiency Standards (CCSSO)
International Baccalaureate Organization Standards (2009)
Texas Assessment Standards (STAAR) (2012)
Head Start Standards
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)
TESOL ELP Standards
Alberta Standards
Atlantic Canada
British Columbia Curriculum
New Brunswick Curriculum
Newfoundland and Labrador Curriculum Guides
Nova Scotia Curriculum
Ontario Curriculum
Prince Edward Island Curriculum
Quebec Standards
Québec Standards (French)
Saskatchewan Standards
Puerto Rico Departamento De Educación Standards (Español)
Puerto Rico Department of Education (English)
WIDA Consortium (2020)
Common European Framework (2001)
New Jersey Social Studies 2020 Draft
American Samoa English Language Arts
Florida B.E.S.T. Access Points (old)
Puerto Rico - Content Standards and Grade Level Expectations - English (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estandares y Expectativas Integrados Programa de Educación Temprana 0-PK (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estándares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado - Programa de Ciencias (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estándares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado - Programa de Estudios Sociales (2022)
Puerto Rico - Estándares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado - Programa de Matemáticas (2022)
Please select a subject
Arts Education
Early Childhood Education
English Language Learners
Health and PE
Language Arts
Social Studies
Social and Emotional Learning
Technology Education
Please select a grade
Pre K
Ages 3-5