February 2019 Newsletter

Feb 26, 2019

Have you heard the news? Texas has announced that as part of Proclamation 2020 they will require that publishers use the machine-readable TEKS standards that have been provided by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). These standards are provided in the 1EdTech CASE-Certified machine-readable format.

EdGate correlates thousands upon thousands of content items for our publisher clients and we know how important the Texas adoptions are. EdGate is poised and ready to provide CASE formatted standards as a correlation deliverable for the Texas curriculum adoption in 2020 or for any other state that may require this format.

EdGate is mindful of the many advantages that the 1EdTech CASE movement has both for us and for educational publishers generally. We welcome the advent of a project to create a non-proprietary standards format that can be used to improve comparability and interoperability of what have historically been incompatible sets of standards and we are fully behind the CASE project and hope to be able to contribute to its ultimate success. If your content needs alignments to the CASE identifiers, please contact your Project Manager.

By: Gina Faulk
General Manager