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GLN - Math Connects Course 3 c2009
Mathematics - Grade 8

  UNIT GLN.1. Unit 1: Number and Operations: Rational and Real Numbers
    CHAPTER GLN.1.1. Unit 1 Chapter 1: Algebra: Integers
      LESSON GLN.1.1.1. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 1: A Plan for Problem Solving (pp. 24 - 26)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.2. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 2: Variables, Expressions, and Properties (pp. 29 - 31)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.3. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 3: Integers and Absolute Value (pp. 35 - 37)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.4E. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 4: Explore: Algebra Lab: Adding Integers (pp. 40)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.4. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 4: Adding Integers (pp. 41 - 43)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.5. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 5: Subtracting Integers (pp. 46 - 47)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.6. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 6: Multiplying and Dividing Integers (pp. 51 - 54)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.7. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 7: Writing Equations (pp. 57 - 58)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.8. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 8: Problem-Solving Investigation: Work Backward (pp. 62 - 63)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.9. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 9: Solving Addition and Subtraction Equations (pp. 65 - 67)
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      LESSON GLN.1.1.10. Unit 1 Ch 1 Lesson 10: Solving Multiplication and Division Equations (pp. 70 - 71)
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    CHAPTER GLN.1.2. Unit 1 Chapter 2: Algebra: Rational Numbers
      LESSON GLN.1.2.1. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 1: Rational Numbers (pp. 84 - 86)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.2. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 2: Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers (pp. 91 - 93)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.3. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 3: Multiplying Positive and Negative Fractions (pp. 96 - 98)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.4. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 4: Dividing Positive and Negative Fractions (pp. 102 - 104)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.5. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 5: Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions (pp. 108 - 109)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.6. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 6: Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions (pp. 114 - 115)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.7. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 7: Solving Equations with Rational Numbers (pp. 119 - 120)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.8. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 8: Problem-Solving Investigation: Look for a Pattern (pp. 124 - 125)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.9. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 9: Powers and Exponents (pp. 126 - 127)
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      LESSON GLN.1.2.10. Unit 1 Ch 2 Lesson 10: Scientific Notation (pp. 130 - 131)
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    CHAPTER GLN.1.3. Unit 1 Chapter 3: Real Numbers and the Pythagorean Theorem
      LESSON GLN.1.3.1. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 1: Square Roots (pp. 144 - 145)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.2. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 2: Estimating Square Roots (pp. 148 - 149)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.3. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 3: Problem-Solving Investigation: Use a Venn Diagram (pp. 152 - 153)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.4. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 4: The Real Number System (pp. 155 - 157)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.5E. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 5: Explore: Geometry Lab: The Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 161)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.5. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 5: The Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 162 - 164)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.6. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 6: Using the Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 167 - 168)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.6Ext. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 6: Extend: Geometry Lab: Graphing Irrational Numbers (pp. 172)
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      LESSON GLN.1.3.7. Unit 1 Ch 3 Lesson 7: Geometry: Distance on the Coordinate Plane (pp. 173 - 175)
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  UNIT GLN.2. Unit 2: Patterns, Relationships, and Algebraic Thinking
    CHAPTER GLN.2.4. Unit 2 Chapter 4: Proportions and Similarity
      LESSON GLN.2.4.1. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 1: Ratios and Rates (pp. 190 - 191)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.2. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 2: Proportional and Nonproportional Relationships (pp. 194 - 195)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.3. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 3: Rate of Change (pp. 198 - 200)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.4. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 4: Constant Rate of Change (pp. 204 - 206)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.5. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 5: Solving Proportions (pp. 210 - 212)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.6. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 6: Problem-Solving Investigation: Draw a Diagram (pp. 216 - 217)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.7. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 7: Similar Polygons (pp. 218 - 221)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.7Ext. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 7: Extend: Geometry Lab: The Golden Rectangle (pp. 224)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.8. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 8: Dilations (pp. 225 - 227)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.8Ext. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 8: Extend: Spreadsheet Lab: Dilations (pp. 231)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.9. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 9: Indirect Measurement (pp. 232 - 233)
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      LESSON GLN.2.4.10. Unit 2 Ch 4 Lesson 10: Scale Drawings and Models (pp. 236 - 238)
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    CHAPTER GLN.2.5. Unit 2 Chapter 5: Percent
      LESSON GLN.2.5.1. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 1: Ratios and Percents (pp. 252 - 253)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.2. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 2: Comparing Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (pp. 256 - 258)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.3. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 3: Algebra: The Percent Proportion (pp. 263 - 265)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.4. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 4: Finding Percents Mentally (pp. 268 - 269)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.5. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 5: Problem-Solving Investigation: Reasonable Answers (pp. 272 - 273)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.6. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 6: Percent and Estimation (pp. 275 - 276)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.7. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 7: Algebra: The Percent Equation (pp. 279 - 281)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.8. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 8: Percent of Change (pp. 284 - 287)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.9. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 9: Simple Interest (pp. 290 - 281)
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      LESSON GLN.2.5.9Ext. Unit 2 Ch 5 Lesson 9: Extend: Spreadsheet Lab: Compound Interest (pp. 294)
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  UNIT GLN.3. Unit 3: Geometry and Measurement
    CHAPTER GLN.3.6. Unit 3 Chapter 6: Geometry and Spatial Reasoning
      LESSON GLN.3.6.1. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 1: Line and Angle Relationships (pp. 306 - 308)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.2Ext. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 2: Extend: Geometry Lab: Triangles (pp. 312 - 313)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.2. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 2: Problem-Solving Investigation: Use Logical Reasoning (pp. 314 - 315)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.3. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 3: Polygons and Angles (pp. 316 - 317)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.4. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 4: Congruent Polygons (pp. 320 - 321)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.4Ext. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 4: Extend: Geometry Lab: Investigating Congruent Triangles (pp. 324 - 325)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.5. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 5: Symmetry (pp. 327 - 329)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.6. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 6: Reflections (pp. 332 - 334)
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      LESSON GLN.3.6.7. Unit 3 Ch 6 Lesson 7: Translations (pp. 337 - 339)
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    CHAPTER GLN.3.7. Unit 3 Chapter 7: Measurement: Area and Volume
      LESSON GLN.3.7.1. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 1: Circumference and Area of Circles (pp. 352 - 354)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.1Ext. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 1: Extend: Geometry Lab: Investigating Arcs and Angles (pp. 358 - 359)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.2. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 2: Problem-Solving Investigation: Solve a Simpler Problem (pp. 360 - 361)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.3E. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 3: Extend: Measurement Lab: Area of Irregular Figures (pp. 362)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.3. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 3: Area of Composite Figures (pp. 363 - 365)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.4. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 4: Three-Dimensional Figures (pp. 368 - 370)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.5. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 5: Volume of Prisms and Cylinders (pp. 373 - 375)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.6. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 6: Volume of Pyramids and Cones (pp. 380 - 382)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.7E. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 7: Explore: Measurement Lab: Surface Area of Cylinders (pp. 385)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.7. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 7: Surface Area of Prisms and Cylinders (pp. 386 - 389)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.7Ext. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 7: Extend: Measurement Lab: Net of a Cone (pp. 392)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.8. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 8: Surface Area of Pyramids (pp. 393 - 394)
      LESSON GLN.3.7.9E. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 9: Explore: Spreadsheet Lab: Similar Solids (pp. 397 - 398)
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      LESSON GLN.3.7.9. Unit 3 Ch 7 Lesson 9: Similar Solids (pp. 399 - 401)
  UNIT GLN.4. Unit 4: Algebraic Thinking: Linear and Nonlinear Functions
    CHAPTER GLN.4.8. Unit 4 Chapter 8: Algebra: More Equations and Inequalities
      LESSON GLN.4.8.1. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 1: Simplifying Algebraic Expressions (pp. 416 - 418)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.2. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 2: Solving Two-Step Equations (pp. 422 - 424)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.3. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 3: Writing Two-Step Equations (pp. 427 - 428)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.4E. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 4: Explore: Algebra Lab: Equations with Variables on Each Side (pp. 432 - 433)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.4. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 4: Solving Equations with Variables on Each Side (pp. 434 - 435)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.5. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 5: Problem-Solving Investigation: Guess and Check (pp. 438 - 439)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.6. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 6: Inequalities (pp. 441 - 442)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.7. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 7: Solving Inequalities by Adding or Subtracting (pp. 445 - 446)
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      LESSON GLN.4.8.8. Unit 4 Ch 8 Lesson 8: Solving Inequalities by Multiplying or Dividing (pp. 449 - 451)
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    CHAPTER GLN.4.9. Unit 4 Chapter 9: Algebra: Linear Functions
      LESSON GLN.4.9.1. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 1: Sequences (pp. 464 - 466)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.2. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 2: Functions (pp. 469 - 471)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.2Ext. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 2: Extend: Algebra Lab: Relations and Functions (pp. 474)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.3. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 3: Representing Linear Functions (pp. 475 - 477)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.4. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 4: Slope (pp. 481 - 483)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.5. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 5: Direct Variation (pp. 487 - 489)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.5Ext. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 5: Extend: Geometry Lab: Slope Triangles (pp. 493)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.6. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 6: Slope Intercept Form (pp. 495 - 496)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.6Ext. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 6: Extend: Graphing Calculator Lab: Modeling Linear Behavior (pp. 500 - 501)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.7. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 7: Systems of Equations (pp. 502 - 505)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.8. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 8: Problem-Solving Investigation: Use a Graph (pp. 508 - 509)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.9. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 9: Scatter Plots (pp. 510 - 512)
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      LESSON GLN.4.9.9Ext. Unit 4 Ch 9 Lesson 9: Extend: Graphing Calculator Lab: Scatter Plots (pp. 516 - 517)
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    CHAPTER GLN.4.10. Unit 4 Chapter 10: Algebra: Nonlinear Functions and Polynomials
      LESSON GLN.4.10.1. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 1: Linear and Nonlinear Functions (pp. 528 - 530)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.2. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 2: Graphing Quadratic Functions (pp. 534 - 535)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.3. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 3: Problem-Solving Investigation: Make a Model (pp. 538 - 539)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.4. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 4: Graphing Cubic Functions (pp. 540 - 541)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.4Ext. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 4: Extend: Graphing Calculator Lab: Families of Nonlinear Functions (pp. 544)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.5. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 5: Multiplying Monomials (pp. 545 - 546)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.6. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 6: Dividing Monomials (pp. 550 - 552)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.7. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 7: Powers of Monomials (pp. 555 - 556)
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      LESSON GLN.4.10.8. Unit 4 Ch 10 Lesson 8: Roots of Monomials (pp. 559 - 560)
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  UNIT GLN.5. Unit 5: Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability
    CHAPTER GLN.5.11. Unit 5 Chapter 11: Statistics
      LESSON GLN.5.11.1. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 1: Problem-Solving Investigation: Make a Table (pp. 574 - 575)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.2. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 2: Histograms (pp. 576 - 577)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.2Ext. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 2: Extend: Graphing Calculator Lab: Histograms (pp. 581)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.3. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 3: Circles Graphs (pp. 582 - 585)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.3Ext. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 3: Extend: Spreadsheet Lab: Line, Bar, and Circle Graphs (pp. 589 - 590)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.4. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 4: Measures of Central Tendency and Range (pp. 591 - 593)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.4Ext. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 4: Extend: Spreadsheet Lab: Mean, Median, and Mode (pp. 597)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.5. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 5: Measures of Variation (pp. 599 - 601)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.6. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 6: Box-and-Whisker Plots (pp. 605 - 607)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.6Ext. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 6: Extend: Box-and-Whisker Plots (pp. 611)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.7. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 7: Stem-and-Leaf Plots (pp. 612 - 614)
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      LESSON GLN.5.11.8. Unit 5 Ch 11 Lesson 8: Select an Appropriate Display (pp. 617 - 618)
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    CHAPTER GLN.5.12. Unit 5 Chapter 12: Probability
      LESSON GLN.5.12.1. Unit 5 Ch 12 Lesson 1: Counting Outcomes (pp. 632 - 633)
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      LESSON GLN.5.12.2. Unit 5 Ch 12 Lesson 2: Probability of Compound Events (pp. 637 - 639)
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      LESSON GLN.5.12.3. Unit 5 Ch 12 Lesson 3: Experimental and Theoretical Probability (pp. 643 - 644)
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      LESSON GLN.5.12.3Ext. Unit 5 Ch 12 Lesson 3: Extend: Probability Lab: Fair Games (pp. 648 - 649)
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      LESSON GLN.5.12.4. Unit 5 Ch 12 Lesson 4: Problem-Solving Investigation: Act it Out (pp. 650 - 651)
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      LESSON GLN.5.12.5. Unit 5 Ch 12 Lesson 5: Using Sampling to Predict (pp. 653 - 655)
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