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GLN - Impact Mathematics Algebra and More Course 2 c2004
Mathematics - Grade 7

  CHAPTER GLN.1. Chapter 1: Understanding Expressions
    LESSON GLN.1.1. Chapter 1 Lesson 1: Variables and Expressions
      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.1.1. Ch 1 Les 1 Investigation 1: Expressions (pp. 5 - 9)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.1.2. Ch 1 Les 1 Investigation 2: Writing Expressions (pp. 10 - 12)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.1.3. Ch 1 Les 1 Investigation 3: Evaluating Expressions (pp. 13 - 17)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.1.4. Ch 1 Les 1 Investigation 4: Using Flowcharts (pp. 18 - 21)
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    LESSON GLN.1.2. Chapter 1 Lesson 2: Expressions and Formulas
      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.2.1. Ch 1 Les 2 Investigation 1: What's the Variable? (pp. 34 - 36)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.2.2. Ch 1 Les 2 Investigation 2: Using Formulas (pp. 37 - 41)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.2L. Ch 1 Les 2 Lab Investigation: Formulas and Spreadsheets (pp. 42 - 45)
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    LESSON GLN.1.3. Chapter 1 Lesson 3: The Distributive Property
      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.3.1. Ch 1 Les 3 Investigation 1: Grouping Bags and Blocks (pp. 54 - 55)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.3.2. Ch 1 Les 3 Investigation 2: The Same and Different (pp. 56 - 58)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.3.3. Ch 1 Les 3 Investigation 3: Grouping with the Distributive Property (pp. 59 - 63)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.1.3.4. Ch 1 Les 3 Investigation 4: Removing and Inserting Parentheses (pp. 64 - 67)
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  CHAPTER GLN.2. Chapter 2: Geometry in Three Dimensions
    LESSON GLN.2.1. Chapter 2 Lesson 1: Block Patterns
      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.1.1. Ch 2 Les 1 Investigation 1: A Staircase Pattern (pp. 79 - 80)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.1.2. Ch 2 Les 1 Investigation 2: Other Block Patterns (pp. 80 - 82)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.1.3. Ch 2 Les 1 Investigation 3: Building Block Patterns (pp. 82 - 83)
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    LESSON GLN.2.2. Chapter 2 Lesson 2: Visualizing and Measuring Block Structures
      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.2.1. Ch 2 Les 2 Investigation 1: Seeing All the Angles (pp. 92 - 93)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.2.2. Ch 2 Les 2 Investigation 2: Different Views (pp. 94 - 96)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.2.3. Ch 2 Les 2 Investigation 3: Creating Engineering Views (pp. 97 - 97)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.2.4. Ch 2 Les 2 Investigation 4: Measuring Block Structures (pp. 98 - 99)
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    LESSON GLN.2.3. Chapter 2 Lesson 3: Surface Area and Volume
      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.3.1. Ch 2 Les 3 Investigation 1: Finding Volumes of Block Structures (pp. 110 - 111)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.3.2. Ch 2 Les 3 Investigation 2: Finding Other Volumes (pp. 112 - 115)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.3.3. Ch 2 Les 3 Investigation 3: Modeling with Block Structures (pp. 116 - 119)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.3L. Ch 2 Les 3 Lab Investigation: The Soft Drink Promotion (pp. 119 - 121)
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    LESSON GLN.2.4. Chapter 2 Lesson 4: Nets and Solids
      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.4.1. Ch 2 Les 4 Investigation 1: Will It Fold? (pp. 130 - 131)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.4.2. Ch 2 Les 4 Investigation 2: Using Nets to Investigate Solids (pp. 131 - 133)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.2.4.3. Ch 2 Les 4 Investigation 3: Is Today's Soft Drink Can the Best Shape? (pp. 134 - 135)
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  CHAPTER GLN.3. Chapter 3: Exploring Exponents
    LESSON GLN.3.1. Chapter 3 Lesson 1: Stretching and Shrinking Machines
      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.1.1. Ch 3 Les 1 Investigation 1: Machine Hookups (pp. 147 - 148)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.1.2. Ch 3 Les 1 Investigation 2: Repeater Machines (pp. 149 - 152)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.1.3. Ch 3 Les 1 Investigation 3: Strings of Machines (pp. 152 - 156)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.1.4. Ch 3 Les 1 Investigation 4: More Strings of Machines (pp. 156 - 159)
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    LESSON GLN.3.2. Chapter 3 Lesson 2: Shrinking and Super Machines
      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.2.1. Ch 3 Les 2 Investigation 1: A New Shrinking Machine (pp. 164 - 165)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.2.2. Ch 3 Les 2 Investigation 2: Dividing and Exponents (pp. 166 - 167)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.2.3. Ch 3 Les 2 Investigation 3: Super Machines (pp. 168 - 171)
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    LESSON GLN.3.3. Chapter 3 Lesson 3: Growing Exponentially
      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.3.1. Ch 3 Les 3 Investigation 1: Telling the Difference (pp. 176 - 178)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.3.2. Ch 3 Les 3 Investigation 2: Exponential Increase (pp. 179 - 182)
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    LESSON GLN.3.4. Chapter 3 Lesson 4: Describing Large Numbers
      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.4.1. Ch 3 Les 4 Investigation 1: Millions and Billions (pp. 191 - 192)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.4.2. Ch 3 Les 4 Investigation 2: Powers of 10 (pp. 192 - 195)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.4.3. Ch 3 Les 4 Investigation 3: Scientific Notation (pp. 196 - 199)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.4.4. Ch 3 Les 4 Investigation 4: Scientific Notation on Your Calculator (pp. 200 - 202)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.3.4L. Ch 3 Les 4 Lab Investigation: The Tower of Hanoi (pp. 203 - 205)
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  CHAPTER GLN.4. Chapter 4: Working with Signed Numbers
    LESSON GLN.4.1. Chapter 4 Lesson 1: Adding and Subtracting with Negative Numbers
      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.1L. Ch 4 Les 1 Lab Investigation: Walking the Plank (pp. 220 - 222)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.1.1. Ch 4 Les 1 Investigation 1: Walking the Number Line (pp. 222 - 227)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.1.2. Ch 4 Les 1 Investigation 2: Equivalent Operations (pp. 228 - 230)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.1.3. Ch 4 Les 1 Investigation 3: Taking It Further (pp. 231 - 233)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.1.4. Ch 4 Les 1 Investigation 4: Predicting Signs of Sums and Differences (pp. 234 - 235)
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    LESSON GLN.4.2. Chapter 4 Lesson 2: Multiplying and Dividing with Negative Numbers
      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.2.1. Ch 4 Les 2 Investigation 1: The Product of a Positive and a Negative (pp. 243 - 244)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.2.2. Ch 4 Les 2 Investigation 2: The Product of Two Negatives (pp. 245 - 247)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.2.3. Ch 4 Les 2 Investigation 3: Dividing with Negative Numbers (pp. 248 - 249)
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    LESSON GLN.4.3. Chapter 4 Lesson 3: Plotting Points in Four Quadrants
      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.3.1. Ch 4 Les 3 Investigation 1: Plotting Points with Negative Coordinates (pp. 255 - 258)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.3.2. Ch 4 Les 3 Investigation 2: Parts of the Coordinate Plane (pp. 259 - 261)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.3.3. Ch 4 Les 3 Investigation 3: Representing Operations on the Coordinate Plane (pp. 262 - 263)
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    LESSON GLN.4.4. Chapter 4 Lesson 4: Finding Distances
      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.4.1. Ch 4 Les 4 Investigation 1: The Pythagorean Theorem (pp. 269 - 272)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.4.2. Ch 4 Les 4 Investigation 2: The Distance Formula (pp. 273 - 275)
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    LESSON GLN.4.5. Chapter 4 Lesson 5: Negative Numbers as Exponents
      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.5.1. Ch 4 Les 5 Investigation 1: Shrinking with Negative Exponents (pp. 280 - 283)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.5.2. Ch 4 Les 5 Investigation 2: Evaluating Expressions with Negative Exponents (pp. 284 - 285)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.4.5.3. Ch 4 Les 5 Investigation 3: Laws of Exponents and Scientific Notation (pp. 286 - 287)
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  CHAPTER GLN.5. Chapter 5: Looking at Linear Relationships
    LESSON GLN.5.1. Chapter 5 Lesson 1: Understanding and Describing Rates
      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.1.1. Ch 5 Les 1 Investigation 1: Understanding Rates (pp. 301 - 304)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.1.2. Ch 5 Les 1 Investigation 2: Describing Rates (pp. 305 - 308)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.1.3. Ch 5 Les 1 Investigation 3: Proportional Relationships (pp. 309 - 311)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.1L. Ch 5 Les 1 Lab Investigation: Rolling Along (pp. 312 - 313)
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    LESSON GLN.5.2. Chapter 5 Lesson 2: Speed and the Slope Connection
      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.2.1. Ch 5 Les 2 Investigation 1: Walking and Jogging (pp. 322 - 325)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.2.2. Ch 5 Les 2 Investigation 2: Decreasing Distance with Time (pp. 326 - 327)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.2.3. Ch 5 Les 2 Investigation 3: Describing Graphs (pp. 328 - 329)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.2.4. Ch 5 Les 2 Investigation 4: Changing the Starting Point (pp. 330 - 333)
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    LESSON GLN.5.3. Chapter 5 Lesson 3: Recognizing Linear Relationships
      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.3.1. Ch 5 Les 3 Investigation 1: Exploring and Describing Patterns (pp. 345 - 347)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.3.2. Ch 5 Les 3 Investigation 2: Graphs and Rules from Patterns (pp. 348 - 350)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.3.3. Ch 5 Les 3 Investigation 3: From Rules to Graphs (pp. 351 - 353)
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    LESSON GLN.5.4. Chapter 5 Lesson 4: Tricks of the Trade
      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.4.1. Ch 5 Les 4 Investigation 1: Finding Secret Rules (pp. 362 - 364)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.4.2. Ch 5 Les 4 Investigation 2: The Method of Constant Differences (pp. 365 - 367)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.5.4.3. Ch 5 Les 4 Investigation 3: Understanding the Symbols (pp. 368 - 370)
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  CHAPTER GLN.6. Chapter 6: Solving Equations
    LESSON GLN.6.1. Chapter 6 Lesson 1: Two Solution Methods Revisited
      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.1.1. Ch 6 Les 1 Investigation 1: Choosing a Solution Method (pp. 385 - 387)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.1L. Ch 6 Les 1 Lab Investigation: Using a Spreadsheet to Guess-Check-and-Improve (pp. 388 - 391)
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    LESSON GLN.6.2. Chapter 6 Lesson 2: A Model for Solving Equations
      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.2.1. Ch 6 Les 2 Investigation 1: Making and Solving Balance Puzzles (pp. 396 - 397)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.2.2. Ch 6 Les 2 Investigation 2: Keeping Things Balanced (pp. 398 - 401)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.2.3. Ch 6 Les 2 Investigation 3: Solving Problems with Balance Puzzles (pp. 402 - 403)
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    LESSON GLN.6.3. Chapter 6 Lesson 3: Thinking with Symbols
      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.3.1. Ch 6 Les 3 Investigation 1: Writing Symbolic Solutions (pp. 410 - 410)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.3.2. Ch 6 Les 3 Investigation 2: Doing the Same Thing to Both Sides (pp. 411 - 412)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.3.3. Ch 6 Les 3 Investigation 3: Solving More Equations (pp. 413 - 414)
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    LESSON GLN.6.4. Chapter 6 Lesson 4: Simplifying Equations
      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.4.1. Ch 6 Les 4 Investigation 1: Building and Solving Equations (pp. 419 - 421)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.4.2. Ch 6 Les 4 Investigation 2: Subtracting with Parentheses (pp. 422 - 425)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.4.3. Ch 6 Les 4 Investigation 3: More Practice with Parentheses (pp. 426 - 428)
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    LESSON GLN.6.5. Chapter 6 Lesson 5: Using Expressions
      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.5.1. Ch 6 Les 5 Investigation 1: Number Games (pp. 435 - 436)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.6.5.2. Ch 6 Les 5 Investigation 2: Simplifying Equations for Graphing (pp. 437 - 439)
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  CHAPTER GLN.7. Chapter 7: Similarity
    LESSON GLN.7.1. Chapter 7 Lesson 1: Are They the Same?
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.1.1. Ch 7 Les 1 Investigation 1: Identifying Congruent Figures and Angles (pp. 451 - 453)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.1.2. Ch 7 Les 1 Investigation 2: Are They Similar? (pp. 454 - 455)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.1.3. Ch 7 Les 1 Investigation 3: Ratios of Corresponding Sides (pp. 456 - 460)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.1.4. Ch 7 Les 1 Investigation 4: Identifying Similar Polygons (pp. 461 - 463)
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    LESSON GLN.7.2. Chapter 7 Lesson 2: Polygon Similarity and Congruence
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.2.1. Ch 7 Les 2 Investigation 1: Sides, Sides, Sides (pp. 472 - 473)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.2.2. Ch 7 Les 2 Investigation 2: And More Sides (pp. 473 - 474)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.2.3. Ch 7 Les 2 Investigation 3: Angles, Angles, Angles (pp. 475 - 475)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.2L. Ch 7 Les 2 Lab Investigation: Building Towers (pp. 476 - 477)
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    LESSON GLN.7.3. Chapter 7 Lesson 3: Area and Perimeter of Similar Figures
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.3.1. Ch 7 Les 3 Investigation 1: Dilating Triangles and Rectangles (pp. 482 - 484)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.3.2. Ch 7 Les 3 Investigation 2: Dilating and Formulas (pp. 485 - 488)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.3.3. Ch 7 Les 3 Investigation 3: Similarity in More Complex Figures (pp. 489 - 491)
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    LESSON GLN.7.4. Chapter 7 Lesson 4: Volume and Surface Area of Similar Figures
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.4.1. Ch 7 Les 4 Investigation 1: Dilating Block Structures (pp. 498 - 498)
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.4.2. Ch 7 Les 4 Investigation 2: Volume of Similar Block Structures (pp. 499 - 500)
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.4.3. Ch 7 Les 4 Investigation 3: Surface Area of Similar Objects (pp. 501 - 504)
      INVESTIGATION GLN.7.4.4. Ch 7 Les 4 Investigation 4: Giants (pp. 504 - 505)
  CHAPTER GLN.8. Chapter 8: Ratio and Proportion
    LESSON GLN.8.1. Chapter 8 Lesson 1: Comparing with Ratios and Rates
      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.1.1. Ch 8 Les 1 Investigation 1: Thinking about Ratios (pp. 521 - 524)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.1.2. Ch 8 Les 1 Investigation 2: Comparing and Scaling Ratios (pp. 524 - 526)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.1.3. Ch 8 Les 1 Investigation 3: Using Ratio Tables (pp. 527 - 528)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.1.4. Ch 8 Les 1 Investigation 4: Comparison Shopping (pp. 529 - 531)
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    LESSON GLN.8.2. Chapter 8 Lesson 2: Using Proportions
      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.2.1. Ch 8 Les 2 Investigation 1: Reasoning about Proportional Relationships (pp. 541 - 542)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.2.2. Ch 8 Les 2 Investigation 2: Solving Problems Involving Equal Ratios (pp. 543 - 545)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.2.3. Ch 8 Les 2 Investigation 3: Solving Proportions (pp. 545 - 548)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.2.4. Ch 8 Les 2 Investigation 4: Applications Involving Similarity (pp. 548 - 550)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.2L. Ch 8 Les 2 Lab Investigation: Estimating Heights of Tall Objects (pp. 551 - 553)
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    LESSON GLN.8.3. Chapter 8 Lesson 3: Percentages and Proportions
      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.3.1. Ch 8 Les 3 Investigation 1: Percent as a Common Scale (pp. 562 - 565)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.3.2. Ch 8 Les 3 Investigation 2: Proportions Using Percentages (pp. 566 - 568)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.3.3. Ch 8 Les 3 Investigation 3: Percent Increase and Decrease (pp. 568 - 571)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.3.4. Ch 8 Les 3 Investigation 4: Percentages of Percentages (pp. 572 - 574)
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    LESSON GLN.8.4. Chapter 8 Lesson 4: Interpreting and Applying Proportions
      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.4.1. Ch 8 Les 4 Investigation 1: Interpreting Comparisons (pp. 585 - 587)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.8.4.2. Ch 8 Les 4 Investigation 2: Predicting Based on Smaller Groups (pp. 588 - 589)
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  CHAPTER GLN.9. Chapter 9: Interpreting Graphs
    LESSON GLN.9.1. Chapter 9 Lesson 1: Graphing Change over Time
      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.1.1. Ch 9 Les 1 Investigation 1: Growing Up (pp. 603 - 605)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.1.2. Ch 9 Les 1 Investigation 2: Filling It Up (pp. 606 - 607)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.1L. Ch 9 Les 1 Lab Investigation: Filling Odd-shaped Containers (pp. 608 - 609)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.1.3. Ch 9 Les 1 Investigation 3: Walking About (pp. 610 - 615)
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    LESSON GLN.9.2. Chapter 9 Lesson 2: Graphs and Equations
      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.2.1. Ch 9 Les 2 Investigation 1: Graphs of Squares (pp. 625 - 626)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.2.2. Ch 9 Les 2 Investigation 2: Graphs of Inverses (pp. 627 - 628)
      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.2.3. Ch 9 Les 2 Investigation 3: Using Graphs to Estimate Solutions (pp. 629 - 631)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.2.4. Ch 9 Les 2 Investigation 4: Doubling Up (pp. 632 - 634)
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    LESSON GLN.9.3. Chapter 9 Lesson 3: Repeating Relationships
      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.3.1. Ch 9 Les 3 Investigation 1: Repeating Patterns (pp. 645 - 647)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.3.2. Ch 9 Les 3 Investigation 2: Repeating Patterns in Life (pp. 648 - 649)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.9.3.3. Ch 9 Les 3 Investigation 3: Repeating Patterns in the Weather (pp. 650 - 651)
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  CHAPTER GLN.10. Chapter 10: Data and Probability
    LESSON GLN.10.1. Chapter 10 Lesson 1: Dependence
      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.1.1. Ch 10 Les 1 Investigation 1: Combinations and Probability (pp. 666 - 667)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.1.2. Ch 10 Les 1 Investigation 2: Heads or Tails? (pp. 668 - 671)
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    LESSON GLN.10.2. Chapter 10 Lesson 2: Applying Probability
      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.2.1. Ch 10 Les 2 Investigation 1: Is it Fair? (pp. 676 - 677)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.2.2. Ch 10 Les 2 Investigation 2: What's the Difference? (pp. 678 - 680)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.2.3. Ch 10 Les 2 Investigation 3: The Hidden Prize (pp. 680 - 682)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.2.4. Ch 10 Les 2 Investigation 4: The Greatest-Number Game (pp. 683 - 685)
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    LESSON GLN.10.3. Chapter 10 Lesson 3: Sampling and Making Predictions
      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.3.1. Ch 10 Les 3 Investigation 1: What's in the Bag? (pp. 693 - 694)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.3.2. Ch 10 Les 3 Investigation 2: Exploring Sample Sizes (pp. 694 - 696)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.3.3. Ch 10 Les 3 Investigation 3: Making Predictions (pp. 697 - 699)
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    LESSON GLN.10.4. Chapter 10 Lesson 4: Statistical Tools and Graphs
      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.4.1. Ch 10 Les 4 Investigation 1: Box-and-Whisker Plots (pp. 710 - 714)
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      INVESTIGATION GLN.10.4.2. Ch 10 Les 4 Investigation 2: Choosing a Graph for Displaying Data (pp. 714 - 716)
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